Natia Kholuashvili

Dentist, therapist, orthopedist
Has 18 years of work experience in dentistry!

Doctor's philosophy

The goal of a modern person is to have a beautiful smile
Natia Kholuashvili
Dentist, therapist, orthopedist


Tbilisi, Kostava st. 52


Graduated from Tbilisi Medical Dental Institute.

Completed residency and was awarded state certification in therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry.

Mastered the latest technology – Cerek at the International Center for Dental Education (Veneer, Inlay, Onlay) Germany Ivocal Vivadent

He owns modern methods in endodontics, tooth soft tissue restoration and tooth row restoration with metal-ceramic prostheses.

He is a member of the Association of Dentists of Georgia.

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