Nino Kandelaki

Doctor-dentist, therapist, orthopedist
Has 23 years of working experience in dentistry

Doctor's philosophy

Health starts with healthy teeth
Nino Kandelaki
Doctor-dentist, therapist, orthopedist


Tbilisi, Kostava st. 52


Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Tbilisi State Medical University. Completed residency and was awarded state certification in therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry.

He owns modern methods of treatment of endodontic and periodontal diseases of the tooth canal. He mastered the hardware processing of the tooth canal using a microscope, as well as mastered the manufacturing technologies of metal-free and metal-ceramic construction of microprosthetics on the basis of Ivoclar Vivadent and was awarded a certificate in digital dentistry.

is a specialist in treatment with aesthetic reconstruction methods – direct (braces) and indirect (ceramic material) restoration in dentistry.

He is a member of the Association of Dentists of Georgia.

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