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Intralipotherapy is used for local fat deposition in tissues and the treatment of various degrees of cellulite. A lipolytic drug, particularly Aqualex, stimulates lymphatic drainage in the tissues, thereby promoting the breakdown of fats. The components contained in the drug regulate cellular mechanisms, strengthen tissue oxygenation, and facilitate oxidation-restorative processes.
Abnormal fat cells destroyed by Aqualex cannot be restored. During intralipotherapy, the membrane of the fat cells is separated, which helps dissolve the fat capsule completely. As a result, the excretory system expels unwanted fat from the body. The advantage of Aqualex is that it has a gel-like structure and does not spread systemically throughout the body. It acts only locally, targeting the pathological focus. The risk of allergic reactions is minimal.
Intralipotherapy can be considered an alternative method to surgical liposuction. With just a few sessions, you can permanently get rid of excess fat in any area of the body.