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RF face and body lifting is an effective cosmetic procedure that will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of excess fat deposits, cellulite, wrinkles and other skin imperfections. At Medi RF body lifting is performed using a 3-Max device.
During the procedure, radiofrequency pulses are applied to the deep layers of the dermis of the problem area. As a result of this, collagen and elastin fibers heat up and curl into flagella, and the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation are launched in the tissues.
The RF body lift procedure is painless and is performed without anesthesia on different areas of the body, including the inner shoulder, waist and thighs. Before the session, a special gel is applied to the patient’s skin, which improves the conductivity of electrical impulses, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure. During the session, the doctor moves the equipment handpiece over the surface of the treated skin. The device generates safe electrical impulses that heat the skin tissue to 41-42 °C and at the same time cause muscle contraction.
The procedure has a complex effect on the skin: improves blood microcirculation and metabolism, saturates skin cells with oxygen, stimulates collagen metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, smoothes the skin and increases elasticity.
The skin remains red for several hours after the procedure. After the session, it is recommended to adhere to several rules: